How can I select all objects of the same type or style at once?

Select all objects of the same style

Option 1

  • Run the _vaSelSameStyle command.
  • Select one object in the model.

Option 2

  • Select one object in the model.
  • Do a long secondary-click until the context menu appears.
  • Choose the menu entry corresponding to your object type, go to “Select” and choose the corresponding style (i.e: Window > Select > ‘Swing Window’).

All objects that belong to the same style will be automatically selected.

Robie house modeled with VisualARQ and with all the windows of the same style selected.

Left: Model with one window selected. Right: Model with all windows of the same style selected.

Select all objects of the same type

Option 1

  • Use the VisualARQ selection commands that will let you select all VisualARQ objects, or specific objects by their type: The VisualARQ selection tools

Option 2

  • Run the _vaSelSameType command.
  • Select one object in the model.

Option 3

  • Select one object in the model
  • Do a long secondary-click until the context menu appears
  • Select the following options in the list, depending on the selected object type: (i.e: Window > Select > All windows).

All objects in the model (windows in this case) will be automatically selected.

Robie House modeled with VisualARQ and with all the windows selected.

Left: Model with one window selected. Right: Model with all windows in the model selected.