에 의해서 Alfonso Melero | 6월 4, 2021
There are two properties to take into account for this purpose: the Max Aperture (%) and the Aperture (%). Both of them can be found in the Properties Panel, inside the Opening tab: The Max Aperture (%) is only displayed in 2D in Top View when the Cut Plane is...
에 의해서 Francesc Salla | 3월 14, 2014
When you insert a door or a window object in the model, you first need to specify one insert point along the wall, and then do a second click on the desired side of the wall to specify the opening side. (This second click is not required when you insert a window with...
에 의해서 Francesc Salla | 5월 8, 2012
The operation and behaviour of an opening is identical to the one of a window or a door. Steps to create a new opening: Run the _vaOpening command (from the command line or VisualARQ drop-down menu). Specify the opening insertion options in the opening insert dialog...
에 의해서 Enric Marquès | 3월 13, 2009
Create a 3D and a 2D block of the door/window for the 3D Model View and for the Plan View reprentations. Notes: The 3D block must take its base point at its lower-center position. The 2D block must take its base point at its center position. Geometry must be aligned...