Split Level Hangar
由 Fran Montero | 4 月 19, 2017
Headquarter options for GFS – Hong Kong
Split Level Hangar at Wanchai
Wanchai is one of the location alternatives for the headquarters of the government flying service of Hong Kong (GFS)
This is site is particularly challenging because of its premium location and small area available for the program.
Basic requirements are a hangar for three helicopters with ambulance access and an administration building including a control room and pilot lounge plus maintenace, reception and waiting area. Spaces for the helicopters, their taxi routes and take off/landing areas must follow GFS specifications.
Read the full project description
This model was made using Rhino, Paneling Tools and VisualARQ,. Rendered with Lumion and finished with Photoshop.
- Project leaders : Mark Molen and Aretin Altmann
- Project, BIM and renderings: Daly Moreno
- Source: www.daly2.com