What’s new

VisualARQ 1.9 VisualARQ 1.8 VisualARQ 1.7 VisualARQ 1.6 VisualARQ 1.5

VisualARQ 1.9.5 (Jul-19, 2016)

New features:

  • License “Free” mode is now replaced with a “Viewer” mode to avoid loss of data when VisualARQ is expired.
  • Added “Opening Side” input to “Door” Grasshopper Component.
  • Added pick icons (distance, angle and point) to all properties in the Properties panel.


  • Grasshopper Components is no longer a Beta and it is included in the main installer.
  • Plan and section views don’t show objects with a “No print” line width.
  • Improved IFC import.
  • Improved display performance.
  • Help guide updated in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Chinese.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a crash when generating several walls.
  • Fixed a crash when changing the style of a door that was using a block style.
  • Fixed a bug in the “Slab Stair Clearance” Grasshopper Component.
  • Fixed a bug in the “VisualARQ Get Property” Grasshopper Component.
  • Fixed a bug that made VisualARQ objects use wrong attributes in some cases.
  • Fixed an incompatibility with Thea Render.
  • Fixed a bug that rotated the current view when running the “vaBeam” command.
  • Fixed a crash when running the command “MakeHole” on a VisualARQ object.
  • Fixed a bug when entering distances in imperial format.
  • Fixed other minor bugs.

Known errors and limitations:

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions can’t open files saved in VisualARQ 1.9.5.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
  • VisualARQ can’t be loaded in an expired Rhino 5.
  • VisualARQ can’t find a network license the first time it is executed after install.
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VisualARQ 1.9.4 (Nov-11, 2015)


  • The IFC import plug-in is more flexible at opening IFC files that contain errors.
  • Imported wall styles from an IFC file have no default wrapping.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a bug that may hang Rhino when using a “Technical” display mode.
  • Fixed a crash when opening a file that was modified in a Rhino without VisualARQ loaded.
  • Some VisualARQ objects weren’t saved when Rhino was in evaluation mode.
  • Fixed a crash when opening an IFC file.
  • Fixed a crash that disabled Zoo support.

Known bugs and limitations

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.9.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
  • VisualARQ couldn’t be loaded in an expired Rhino 5.
  • VisualARQ could not find a network license the first time it was executed after install.
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VisualARQ 1.9.3 (Oct-14, 2015)

New features:

  • Zoo 6 support added.
  • Swept solids support added for IFC import.
  • VisualARQ now can be loaded if Rhino 5 has expired.


  • “vaStylesImport” command works even if VisualARQ has expired.

Fixed bugs:

  • The VisualARQ Zoo 5 plug-in uninstaller failed to uninstall if the Zoo was upgraded to version 6.
  • Some IFC objects were imported in a wrong position.
  • Some objects lost their sizes after doing a copy and paste.
  • Wall area wasn’t correctly calculated if some solids were subtracted.
  • VisualARQ failed to load if Thea Render plugin was already loaded.
  • Document tolerance was sometimes changed after importing a IFC file.
  • Fixed a crash after moving a plan view.
  • Fixed a crash when importing some IFC files.
  • Fixed a crash when rendering with Rhino Render.
  • Fixed a crash when inserting a linked file containing layers with very large names.

Known bugs and limitations

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.9.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.9.2 (Jul-15, 2015)


  • Removed “Standard” curtain wall style from templates.
  • Document tolerance is used when grouping elements in a table.
  • Fields of grouped elements now show the total value.
  • Improved output accuracy of plan views and section views.

Fixed bugs:

  • Some objects inside blocks that were in hidden layers were shown in plan views.
  • Some breps and extrusions were not visible on plan views.
  • Windows with a gothic profile didn’t generate the glass surface.
  • Edges of VisualARQ objects were not drawn after opening a 3DM using the File > Open menu option.
  • Layers are kept for resulting curves when generating plan views or section views.
  • Sometimes when modifying the profile size of several doors or windows, only one was changed.
  • Walls defined by an arc path were not correctly exported to IFC.
  • IFC tagging dialog was empty when multiple objects were selected, and some of them were VisualARQ objects.
  • Details were not updated when changing their “Locked” option.
  • Text grip of plan view doesn’t move when modifying view boundary.
  • Fixed some stair representation bugs.
  • Fixed a crash when importing or exporting a IFC file.
  • Fixed representation of openings defined with a 2D block in plan views.
  • Fixed some buttons in localized (non-English) toolbars.
  • Fixed an error when exporting tables to Excel that contain words with accents or special characters.
  • Fixed a crash when changing repeatedly a column profile size.
  • VisualARQ didn’t load on some Windows XP computers.

Known bugs and limitations

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.9.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.9.1 (May-28, 2015)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a crash when executing “CopyViewportToDetail” command.
  • Fixed a crash when subtracting a solid from a wall that already had added solids.
  • Fixed a crash when updating a plan view in a document with linked blocks.
  • Fixed a crash when doing a “CopyToClipboard” when an angular dimension was selected.
  • Fixed a crash when importing some IFC files.
  • Wall joints were not correctly updated when deleting a connected wall.
  • Some windows were not created when running “vaWindow > FromCurves” and selecting multiple curves”.
  • Columns were not updated when modifying a standard size of a column style.
  • Documents started with Czech templates had not predefined styles.
  • Curtain wall curved panels were not correctly aligned.
  • Some object properties were repeated in the table style dialog.
  • Wrong color was used in plan and section views on objects with “By parent” color inside a block with “By layer” color.
  • Wrong plane was used in exploded roofs when running “vaRoofExplode” command.
  • Extrusions were not correctly exported to IFC on documents with a 1 “unit” tolerance.
  • Some wall joints were not correctly detected when importing a IFC file.
  • Hollow profiles were not correctly imported from IFC.
  • Per instance slab thickness was not correctly imported from IFC.
  • Some windows were not exported to IFC.
  • Some IFC objects were imported in a wrong location.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.9.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.9 (May-12, 2015)

New features:

IFC Tag Ramp
    • IFC import. (Video)
    • IFC Tag and IFC Export Options. (Video)
    • Slab layers. (Video)
    • Columns can be defined with a 2D and a 3D block. (Video)
    • Doors and windows can be floating.
    • Doors and windows can be attached to curtain walls.
    • Added property to choose a predefined size for doors, windows, beams and columns.
Curved Curtain wall
  • Curtain wall panels can be curved.
  • Walls can be defined from multiple solids.
  • Added “Space Param” and “Deconstruct Profile” Grasshopper components.
  • General properties (Name, Tag, Description…) can be modified in Grasshopper Components.
  • Added “vaOpeningElevationStyles” command.
  • Tag objects can be aligned to tagged geometry, or aligned to the horizontal or vertical axis. (Video)
  • Custom profiles can be scaled (horizontally and vertically).

Changes and improvements:

Multilayer slab
    • Improved IFC export.
    • Improved plan and section views output.
    • Gable and hip roofs can be inverted.
    • Slab properties can be edited in the VisualARQ properties dialog.
    • Cleanup Radius for walls can be set to “Auto”. Half of the wall thickness is used in that case.
    • Style creation components in Grasshopper are shown in warning orange when some inputs are missing.
    • Added area property for roof objects.
    • Improved walls intersection detection and representation.
Column Style From 3D Block
  • Section view geometry is inserted relative to the start point of the section line, so it is not translated anymore.
  • Distance between supports and panels of curtain walls now doesn’t depend on wall alignment.
  • Added stair preview in the insert stair command dialog.
  • Border of the space object can be hidden.
  • Height and volume can be shown in space legend.
  • Added grip point in section view text tag.
  • Improved stair plan representation.
  • Added “Location” page on wall properties dialog.
  • Improved “Auto” cut depth of doors and windows.
  • 3D geometry is not visible in plan views when a 2D block is assigned to a door or window style.
  • Added grip points for shed roofs.
  • Curtain wall panels can be separated by a custom distance.
  • Added new axis representation for columns.
  • Area and volume values are always shown in meters/feet.
  • Openings can be created from curves.
  • Added icon for .VAL file type.
  • It is now possible to create new table styles for space objects.
  • Added a new toolbar button to create components in the style properties dialog.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a bug when adding a solid to a wall when another solid was already substracted.
  • Fixed a display bug when horizontal and vertical frames have different widths.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting objects that belong to a group.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a layer after importing a DWG file.
  • Fixed a crash when inserting a spiral stair.
  • Fixed a crash when creating a section view.
  • Fixed some display problems in curtain walls mullions.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting huge models to IFC.
  • Some objects were inverted when imported from IFC.
  • Some layers were duplicated when creating a new document from a VisualARQ template.
  • Curve linetypes were not displayed on plan views.
  • Some VisualARQ objects were not exported when running “Export Selected” command.
  • Fixed a bug when subtracting a contour from a roof.
  • Apply button wasn’t enabled when changing the order of components.
  • “vaExportStyles” command failed when a file with the same name already existed.
  • The size “100×200” of the “Rectangular” beam style was invalid.
  • Beams alignment was not updated when doing a mirror transform.
  • Walls disappeared when extending to some extrusion objects or slabs with holes.
  • “Pass slope rule” property was not computed.
  • VisualARQ objects inside linked blocks were displayed always in wireframe.
  • Tag border wasn’t visible in top views when a clipping plane was enabled (Rhino 4).
  • Tag text wasn’t centered in plan views (Rhino 4).
  • Fixed a crash when updating plan or section views in models containing big meshes.
  • Some objects were not clipped by the plan view boundary.
  • Some walls were displayed in a wrong color when enabling their grip points.
  • Some muntins were not visible in circular windows with sill.
  • Some arc walls were closed as a circle automatically.
  • Some “Objects Snaps” were not working on VisualARQ objects, like “Between”, “PerpendicularFrom”, “From”, etc.
  • Fixed a bug when rotating a tag object.
  • Fixed “Square” and “Flat” ends in some roofs.
  • Some doors and windwos were reversed when running “vaWallReverse” command on its host wall.
  • Area for extended walls was wrong.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.9.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.8.4 (Mar-19, 2015)

New features:

  • Added Chinese (simplified) translation.

Fixed bugs:

  • Space objects couldn’t be selected in the “Filters” page of a schedule table.
  • Fixed a crash when working with extrusion objects.
  • Fixed a crash when updating a plan view or a section view.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting objects that were members of a group.
  • Fixed a crash in the vaStair command.
  • Fixed a crash when calculating a wall layer geometry.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.8.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.8.3 (Nov-24, 2014)


  • Czech translation added again for user interface and templates.
  • Context menu for several VisualARQ objects now shows “VisualARQ objects” instead of “Block references”.

Fixed bugs:

  • VisualARQ documents were not listed in the “Recent documents” list after restarting Rhino.
  • Some windows were exported rotated in IFC.
  • When creating a space, the name field was not set.
  • Some doors and windows didn’t make a hole in some interfering walls.
  • Fixed a crash when working on a document after modifying the texture mapping of a mesh object using the mapping widget.
  • Fixed a crash when computing plan or section views.
  • Fixed a crash when opening files that were modified on a Rhino instance without VisualARQ loaded.
  • Fixed a crash when starting Rhino with a document with VisualARQ objects.
  • Fixed a crash when hiding tangent edges in VisualARQ objects.
  • Fixed a crash when working with groups.
  • Fixed a crash when saving a document.
  • Fixed a crash when using extrusion objects with VisualARQ objects.
  • Fixed a crash when closing Rhino.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting VisualARQ objects from a Grasshopper param.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.8.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.8.2 (Jul-4, 2014)


  • Improved speed when detecting tangent edges between similar VisualARQ object parts.
  • Model block in doors and windows is not drawn in plan views when a plan block is selected.

Fixed bugs:

  • Some styles were missing in the VisualARQ template files.
  • Selected components were not highlighted in the preview when print display was enabled.
  • Tags were not created in the correct layer.
  • Some videos were not available in the documentation.
  • Plan block representation was not used in doors and windows.
  • Spaces were not correctly detected if wall style had a section hatch.
  • Group selection didn’t work in viewports in Hidden display mode.
  • “Slab Deconstruct” Grasshopper component was not returning all curves.
  • Fixed a crash bug when updating blocks used in door or window styles during an insert or paste command.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.8.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.8.1 (Jun-30, 2014)

New features:

  • Added “Space Deconstruct” and “Profile Deconstruct” Grasshopper components.


  • OpenGL antialiasing is now disabled when printing to improve line display quality.
  • Object layers are no longer automatically recreated if they have been already deleted by user.

Fixed bugs:

  • VisualARQ 1.8 couldn’t be loaded in “Windows 2000” or “Windows XP”.
  • White objects were drawn in grey on viewports with display mode “Hidden”.
  • Some section hatches were not created when generating a plan or section view.
  • Hatch color couldn’t be changed on annotation objects.
  • Inches templates were in feet units.
  • Tag objects were not shown in plan views.
  • Fixed VisualARQ license error 308 when product key couldn’t be locked in the network.
  • Mirroring a wall created from solid was very slow.
  • VisualARQ hidden layers were shown when doing a copy and paste.
  • Fixed a crash related to an incompatibility with some third-party Windows overlay icons handlers.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a layout page.
  • Fixed a crash when creating or opening a new document while some objects were still selected in the closing document.
  • Fixed a crash when inserting a link-and-embed block.
  • Fixed a crash when updating a link-and-embed block when opening a document.
  • Fixed a crash when editing a block with VisualARQ objects inside.
  • Fixed a crash when exporting to IFC if no company was specified when Rhino was installed.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • The library of object styles is missing in VisualARQ templates.
  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.8.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.8 (Jun-4, 2014)

New features:

VA features 1.8
  • New curtain wall object. (Video)
  • New tag object.
  • New plan view object.
  • New improved level manager. (Video)
  • Zoo 5 floating licenses support.
  • Section attributes for VisualARQ and Rhino objects. (Video)
  • More door, window, opening, stair, wall, and space styles.
  • Added AISC and European standard beam styles in imperial and metric templates.
  • Walls can be extended to more than one object in both top and bottom directions.
  • Tables can be sorted by one or more fields.
  • Help has been translated to German, Spanish, French, and Italian.
  • Texture mapping can be applied to VisualARQ objects (requires Rhinoceros 5 SR6).
  • Wall layers are also represented in 3D and in section views.
  • Materials can be applied to each wall layer.
  • VisualARQ objects can be part of a block definition.
  • VisualARQ Grasshopper Components WIP3: added support for style creation.
  • VisualARQ Grasshopper Components WIP3: added space and curtain wall object.


  • Tangent edges between similar parts of VisualARQ objects are drawn as isocurves, resulting in a clean display.
  • Added “feet” unit system in vaStylesExport command.
  • License mode can be changed without reinstalling.
  • IFC exported files are better supported by ArchiCAD, Tekla, Solibri and Revit.
  • Improved and faster section and plan views.
  • Text size for section and plan views is now 0.5.
  • Current level is now marked with a bold font in the Level Manager.
  • “Schedule Table” renamed to “Table”.
  • “Section Mark” renamed to “Section”.
  • “Wall Component” renamed to “Wall Layer”.
  • “Width” renamed to “Thickness” in some cases.
  • vaStairClearanceContour command added to menu.
  • Coating is also drawn in preview mode when inserting new columns.
  • Plan viewports in wireframe display mode can be printed as a vector output (requires Rhinoceros 5 SR6).
  • Plan and section views have an option to turn off automatic updates.
  • If no folder is specified when exporting styles in a .VAL library, the file is saved to a desktop folder.
  • If a door or window is created from a rectangular or circular curve, a parametric profile is used instead of a custom profile.
  • Objects are linked to levels when exported to IFC.
  • Added “Type” property of VisualARQ objects in the Properties panel.
  • Added vaWallReverse command to the toolbar.
  • vaWallUnextend command is now a command option of vaWallExtend command.
  • Added all Rhino default linetypes to VisualARQ templates.
  • Czech translation has been removed due to lack of maintenance.
  • Door and window elevation is now absolute, and not relative to the wall were they are inserted.
  • Window glass muntins were not correctly positioned.
  • Slab thickness can be modified from the properties panel.
  • Doors and windows can be moved vertically by using the Move command or by dragging the object.
  • Levels (floors) can be hidden in 3D views.

Fixed bugs:

  • Plan viewports are updated when level cut plane elevation is changed.
  • Case changes can be done to style names.
  • Curves with overlapped boundaries with object boundaries can be added to vaSlabAdd and vaRoofAdd commands.
  • Beams and columns couldn’t be created in some documents with a millimeter unit system.
  • Doors and windows on walls with an added solid were not exported correctly.
  • Fixed a crash bug when extending a wall to a stair.
  • Column coating display color was not updated automatically.
  • If the license becomes invalid after upgrading Windows, VisualARQ data is not lost when saving the document.
  • Fixed a crash bug when editing document dimension styles.
  • When a shed roof was copied, the slope became inverted.
  • Fixed a bug in the stair slab representation.
  • Some leaves were missing in doors and windows with a custom profile.
  • Custom profiles were scaled when selected as a railing post or railing rail profile.
  • Some snap midpoints were not detected in VisualARQ objects.
  • Fixed a bug in beams with a negative roll value.
  • Walls with an arc path were not exported correctly in IFC.
  • Fixed a bug in riser slabs of balanced stairs.
  • Fixed a crash bug when importing a SketchUp model (.SKP).
  • Some windows were not cutted correctly in Dynamic Section.
  • Fixed a bug that caused slab and roof styles to disappear from the document.
  • Fixed a crash bug when generating a stair with invalid values.
  • All beams were exported to IFC with 1 meter length.
  • Snap points of VisualARQ objects didn’t work in detail views on layout pages.
  • Fixed a compatibility crash bug between VisualARQ and RhinoBIM.
  • Objects were displayed as selected when running ViewCaptureToFile if Dynamic Section was enabled.
  • Walls couldn’t be extended to some slab objects.
  • Documents with more than one building were not exported correctly to IFC.
  • Custom profile doors and windows were not exported correctly to IFC.
  • Extended walls were not exported correctly to IFC.
  • Sometimes spaces were not shown in plan views.
  • Some railing rail sections were not generated.
  • Fixed “below cut plane” plan representation of windows.
  • Fixed a bug when a wall has windows, doors and columns that remove all its geometry.
  • Fixed a bug when changing the alignment of a railing with a non-planar path curve.
  • It was not possible to hide the space text area border.
  • View direction and projection was not changed when changing the current level.
  • Space text was not occluded by walls in plan views.
  • Section hatch was not generated in sections with a jog.
  • Improved hip roof creation from complex curves.
  • Hip roofs with square ends were not generated correctly.
  • VisualARQ Grasshopper Components WIP3: all known bugs have been fixed.
  • Fixed all known memory leaks.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • Tag objects don’t appear in plan views
  • The option to create auto-dimensions in plan views has been temporarily disabled.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.8.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.7.3 (Jun-26, 2013)

Meshes in section views 350

New features:

  • Added mesh, hatch and text support in section and plan views.
  • Doors and windows openings are also subtracted in connected walls (vertical or horizontal).
  • Walls can be created from a closed planar curve.
  • Osnaps can be used in VisualARQ objects inside a layout detail.
  • Added support for VisualARQ Grasshopper Components WIP2.


Walls from closed curves 350
  • Improved calculation of automatic cut depth for openings.
  • Styles are shown sorted by name.
  • Faster display of VisualARQ objects in layout pages.
  • Faster snaps in VisualARQ objects.
  • The area is always shown in square feet when the document is in imperial units.
  • vaCreatePlanView command shows levels in the same order as in the level manager.

Fixed bugs:

Window between walls 4x4 house 200
  • Instance references with a non-vertical rotation were not exported correctly to IFC.
  • VisualARQ objects sometimes were invisible in a detail after opening a document or changing the active layout.
  • Two internal layers were sometimes shown in the layer list.
  • Plan representation of VisualARQ objects wasn’t visible on GDI pipelines in Rhino 4.0.
  • vaRailing command wasn’t corrently registered in French.
  • Stair Styles button in Rhino 5 RUI toolbar executed a wrong command.
  • Line width attribute wasn’t correclty saved for VisualARQ styles.
  • Volume property of VisualARQ objects didn’t take into account instance scaling factors.
  • Opening muntins were not created in some cases.
  • VisualARQ Grasshopper Components wasn’t loaded the first time Rhino was started after installing VisualARQ.
  • Fixed a crash when changing the sort column in the layer list.
  • Fixed a crash when creating a railing object.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.

Know bugs and limitations:

  • VisualARQ objects are ignored when they are inside a block.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.7.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.7.2 (May-29, 2013)


New features:


  • The VisualARQ evaluation version no longer expires in a Rhino evaluation version.
  • When VisualARQ evaluation period expires in a full version of Rhino, it is still possible to use and evaluate VisualARQ, although some features are disabled:
    • VisualARQ objects and styles are no longer saved.
    • Copy, paste and explode commands for VisualARQ objects.
    • Style import/export commands.
    • IFC export.
  • The stair is previewed when editing its control points.
  • It is now allowed to install VisualARQ on a removable disk or on a network share.

Fixed bugs:

  • VisualARQ didn’t work on Windows 2000.
  • “Spain (Spanish)” option in the VisualARQ language list was shown as “English (United States)”.
  • The VisualARQ command dialogs where too big when running on a virtualized Windows inside Parallels Desktop 8 on a HiDPI screen.
  • Fixed a crash when opening a document with VisualARQ objects.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting a VisualARQ object.
  • Fixed a crash when a VisualARQ object was being drawn in the viewport.
  • Fixed a crash when Print Display Preview was active.
  • Fixed a crash when creating or editing a railing object.
  • Fixed a crash when creating a railing object using a closed curve.
  • Fixed a crash when editing a stair object.
  • Fixed all memory leaks.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • VisualARQ objects are ignored when they are inside a block.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.7.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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VisualARQ 1.7.1 (Feb-28, 2013)

Fixed bugs:

  • Sometimes the area of spaces was negative.
  • Intersection of extended walls wasn’t correctly calculated.
  • vaWallSplit: openings were displaced to a wall start point when wall alignment was different from central.
  • Text height editing control didn’t support imperial unit representation.
  • License wasn’t correctly created if no organization was specified in the installer.
  • Beams couldn’t be selected in a plan view.
  • Sometimes, section marks and views disappeared in plan views when showing other levels.
  • Hip roofs were created capped at the bottom.
  • Fixed an OpenGL bug when working with hidden display mode viewports/details.
  • Fixed a crash when copy-pasting.
  • Fixed a crash when changing document units.
  • Fixed a crash when opening documents from previous VisualARQ versions.
  • Fixed a crash when panning inside a detail
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VisualARQ 1.7 (Jan-21, 2013)

Railing styles

New features:

  • New Railing object. (video)
  • Multi-threaded regeneration of VisualARQ geometry (Rhino 5 only).
  • Extrusion objects are used instead of breps when possible (Rhino 5 only).
  • Faster display of VisualARQ objects.
  • Identical columns and beams share the same instance definition.
  • Smaller and better IFC output files.
  • Doors and windows can be created from profile curves directly in the model. (video)


  • Failed solid operations (boolean, trim, split, etc.) are done using two more tolerances (double and one tenth), as Rhino native commands.
  • Added support for Neon viewport.
  • Double clicking on an object opens the properties dialog.
  • IFC objects use the Rhino UUID as IFC ObjectId.
  • Text height can now be overridden using the attributes dialog of styles and style components.
  • Added “Apply” button to VisualARQ properties dialogs.
  • Rhinoceros 4.0 SR7 or Rhinoceros 5 SR0 is now required.
  • It is no longer necessary to enter an organization in the installer.
  • Door and window opening side control points had always 0 elevation.
  • CPlane origin X/Y and rotation is not modified when changing the active level.
  • Added volume property to space object.
  • Now it is possible to create spaces in a document with no levels.

Fixed bugs:

  • Control point constraints were not applied in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug when rotating more than one control point in a single change.
  • VisualARQ objects with a closed polyline profile had two repeated control points.
  • Render mesh color in objects with color by layer were not updated correctly when changing the layer color.
  • Doors and windows were exported twice in IFC files.
  • Wall is automatically updated when it is unextended.
  • In Print Preview, some objects were drawn using the current layer color.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting tables to Excel.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing a layout detail change.
  • Fixed a crash when working on a document imported from a DWG file.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing a style change operation.
  • Fixed a crash when opening documents from previous versions.
  • Fixed some memory leaks.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • VisualARQ objects are ignored when they are inside a block.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.7.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.

VisualARQ 1.6.2 (Sep-7, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Dynamic Section was not working correctly in Rhino 5.0.
  • Fixed a bug when calculating joints between extended walls.
  • Mesh attributes by layer (color, layer and material) of VisualARQ objects were not correctly handled.
  • Slab grip points could be moved vertically, resulting in invalid slab geometry.
  • VisualARQ objects geometry is no longer recalculated when undoing a change.
  • VisualARQ objects meshes are recalculated when undoing a change.
  • Internal layer “VisualARQ Locked Objects” was not hidden from layer list in latest Rhino 5.0 Beta versions.
  • Fixed a bug when undoing a change on a VisualARQ object with empty geometry.
  • Fixed a bug that made all VisualARQ objects invisible in some versions of Rhino 5.0.
  • Fixed a crash in VisualARQ material editor when using Maxwell render.
  • Fixed a crash when importing, inserting or pasting documents with extrusion objects.
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VisualARQ 1.6.1 (Jul-30, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Copy/Paste didn’t work with VisualARQ objects.
  • Export and ExportSelected commands didn’t work with VisualARQ objects.
  • Fixed a crash when working with documents with more than 8 levels.
  • Fixed a crash when running VisualARQ in Rhino 5.0 Beta 2012-07-25.
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VisualARQ 1.6 (Jul-24, 2012)

New features:

  • Hatched section views. (video)
  • Real-time plan views in page layout details.
  • Customizable wall joints.
  • Wall components wrapping.
  • Tables with length, area and volume of VisualARQ objects. (video)


  • Glass components can now be added to door leaves.
  • The installer now supports unattended installations.
  • vaSectionMarkStyles and vaSectionViewStyles commands added.
  • Toolbar buttons for vaDynamicSection and vaSectioViews commands added.
  • Slab and roof plan representations are clipped by objects that are in front.
  • Added type and function parameters to wall component.
  • Wall reinforcements are now replaced with wrappings.
  • Template styles are now localized.
  • Improved section view calculation.
  • Section views and plan views do not create repeated lines.
  • Added 2D plan preview in VisualARQ dialogs.

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed plan representation of the union of two walls with a different width.
  • Improved plan representation of the union of two or more walls with several wall components.
  • Fixed plan representation of tangent walls.
  • Walls dissapeared when applying a Mirror transform.
  • Improved wall extension to surfaces and solids.
  • Space objects were shown in all level plans.
  • Improved room detection for space objects.
  • In plan views, snap points of projected objects were not detected.
  • Object with plan visibility “Above cut plane” were not drawn in some cases.
  • Muntins were not correctly generated on a window with a custom profile.
  • The scale icon number was not visible in some viewports.
  • Fixed a crash when inserting a table with more than 8 fields.
  • Fixed a crash when inserting a section view.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing a change on an extrusion object.
  • Fixed a crash when working with Orca3D and VisualARQ simultaneously.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • VisualARQ objects are ignored when they are inside a block.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved in VisualARQ 1.6.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work in Rhino 5.0 Technical and Pen display modes.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.

VisualARQ 1.5.4 (Apr-23, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Window sill didn’t show in the preview in the window style manager.
  • Sliding leaves in window or door style were misplaced in styles with two or more leaves.
  • The installer failed when the name or company fields were blank.
  • Document became corrupted when duplicating a schedule table style.
  • Door and window command didn’t detect the correct wall under the cursor.
  • Fixed a crash when opening a 3DM with erased groups in a Rhino instance without VisualARQ loaded.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing a grip movement in Rhino 5.0.
  • Fixed a crash when inserting a schedule table with 8 fields or more.
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VisualARQ 1.5.3 (Feb-29, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a crash when running some VisualARQ commands with Rhino cursor tooltips enabled.
  • Fixed a crash when working on a document after doing a Cut/Copy and Paste operation.
  • Fixed a crash in Rhino 5.0 when running command Insert.


  • Rhino 5.0 Beta (01/17/2012 or later) is now required.
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VisualARQ 1.5.2 (Feb-24, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a crash in the vaWallSubtract command.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing Trim or Split commands.
  • Fixed a crash when opening a document with layers with the same name but inside a different parent layer.
  • The installer didn’t install the required Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 runtime libraries.
  • Sometimes all objects disappeared when enabling dynamic section.
  • Snap points of VisualARQ objects didn’t work on plan views.
  • Sometimes blocks weren’t selectable in the hidden display mode.
  • Sometimes “VisualARQ Locked Objects” and “By Parent” special layers were shown in the interface.
  • Rhino was very slow opening VisualARQ 1.4 document containing section marks with several jog points.
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VisualARQ 1.5.1 (Feb-15, 2012)

Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed a crash when using dynamic section with disjoint polysurfaces.
  • Fixed a crash when importing a DWG with empty dimension style names.
  • The new installer failed at giving 15 additional days in computers where previous versions of VisualARQ had been installed.
  • Some VisualARQ objects disappeared when changing display mode in a plan viewport.
  • Dynamic section didn’t work with Hidden display mode.
  • Section lines in VisualARQ objects were invisible in wireframe display mode.
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VisualARQ 1.5 (Feb-9, 2012)

New features:

  • Rhinoceros 5.0 (32 and 64-bit) support.
  • Real-time plan views.
  • New display mode ‘Hidden’.
  • Control points in slabs.
  • Improved object and style editor dialog.
  • Walls can be extended to roofs and slabs.


  • vaWallsFromCurves command has been replaced by vaWall command option FromCurves.
  • Installer remembers license user name, organization and product key.
  • vaSectionView command picks existing selected section mark.
  • It is now possible to change the order of style sub-components, like wall layers or door leaves.
  • When changing the style of a door/window, if the new style has the same profile, the sizes are kept.
  • Walls can be extended when the surface only covers its footprint partially.

Fixed bugs:

  • The property list was empty when the property for a table field was selected.
  • It was impossible to change the object type for a table style.
  • It was impossible to add new fields to an existing table style.
  • vaDoor and vaWindow commands didn’t remember last entered values.
  • When changing document units, slabs and door/windows using a block definition were wrongly scaled.
  • Sometimes a roof disappeared when changing its type from hip to gable.
  • Square edge cut didn’t work in gable roofs.
  • Gable roof slopes had different thickness if they had different slope angles.
  • It was impossible to remove top cutting height in a gable roof.
  • Sometimes a hip roof didn’t cover all selected boundary curves.
  • Hip roofs were cut at a certain height when adding a hole.
  • It was impossible to specify the slope angle in a shed roof.
  • In commands vaDoor and vaWindow, the “Other…” option didn’t work.
  • Automatic dimensions for some walls were too large.
  • If a wall was completely occluded by door/windows or columns, it was generated without any hole.
  • Slabs were drawn in plan views where they don’t belong.
  • In French, vaRoof command options Hip and Gable were swapped.
  • Section hatches of VisualARQ object in plan views didn’t hide when turning off the object layer.
  • Fixed a crash when creating a section view.
  • Sometimes dialogs disappeared when using more than one monitor.

Known bugs and limitations:

  • VisualARQ objects are ignored when they are inside a block.
  • Previous VisualARQ versions cannot open files saved with VisualARQ 1.5.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work in Technical and Pen Rhino 5.0 display modes.
  • Dynamic section doesn’t work with block objects.
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