3D printing for architecture with VisualARQ/Rhino and HP Designjet 3D
par Francesc Salla | Mai 13, 2011 | Événements, Général

This free seminar will show advanced techniques to model surfaces, solids and architectural elements with
Rhinoceros and
VisualARQ, as well as the 3D model printing with
HP Designjet 3D. Program:
- Welcome coffee
- Introduction to 3D architectural design with Rhinoceros and VisualARQ
- Advanced techniques to create, edit and transform surfaces and solids
- Complex geometry analysis
- Preparation of the 3D model for 3D printing (generation of a closed STL file, error checking, and correction of potencial corrupt geometry).
- Model scaling and creation of assembly parts in order to print bigger models.
- 3D printing with HP Designjet 3D
- HP « open house »
Place, date and time:
- 17th May 2011, 10am-2pm – Barcelona
HP Española S.L.Cami de Can Graells, nº 1-21. 08174 Sant Cugat del Valles – Barcelona
19th May 2011, 10am-2pm – Madrid
Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (Sede Central)C/ Piamonte, nº 23. 28004 Madrid To register, choose the city:
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