Free seminar of BIM architecture with VisualARQ and 3D printing
by Francesc Salla | Sep 9, 2015 | Events
- Where: Cooperativa Jordi Capell. COAC Barcelona (Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Barcelona. Plaça Nova, 5. 08002 Barcelona)
- When: Thurdsday, September 17th, 2015. From 11am to noon and from 5pm to 6pm.
- Duration: 1 hour
- Price: Free
If you missed the seminar held on the last July 14th 2015, you have a new oportunity to see how to convert a BIM architectural project into a 3D printable model.
You will see the complete process, from the creation of the building design with Rhino and VisualARQ to the preparation of the 3D model to be printed with the
Felix 3D printing machine.
The presentation will take place next Thursday September 17th at COAC Barcelona. It will last about 1 hour and it will be done in two separate sessions (11 am and 5pm).
The seminar is free but space is limited.
Write to to register.