RhinoDay 2016 in Brazil
Workshops: September 20-22, 2016
Rhino Day: September 23, 2016
Time: 8 am to 8 pm
Location: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – Facultade de Arquitectura e Urbanismo
VisualARQ presentation: September 23, 15h.
VisualARQ workshop: September 22, 11h-14h.
Rede Brasileira de Fabricação Dital (RBFD), VisualARQ resellers in Brazil, and Universidade Mackenzie are pleased to invite you to attend the RhinoDay to be held in São Paulo, Campus Mackenzie. The event aims to show the capacity and features of Rhino 3D software and some plug-ins in various sectors related to design.
There will be professionals in the field of architecture, industrial design, interior design, jewelry, marine, structural analysis, environmental comfort, advanced geometry, parametrism, 3D printing, digital fabrication, milling machines, robotic arms, digital interactivity, academic, etc.
A number of experts will be showing their designs and the way they work, explaining in what way the Rhino enters in its creation and / or production process.
For more infommation please visit the official site or contact Affonso Orciuoli