VisualARQ at the Rhino days in Rome 2016
Rhino days Rome 2016
When: 18-19th March 2016
Where: University of Arkansas Rome Center. Palazzo Taverna, Via di Monte Giordano, 36. Roma
The University of Arkansas Rome Center, in collaboration with McNeel Europe, organizes a two days workshop and conferences to present the most updated tools for architects and designers in the field of 3D digital modeling, parametric design, energy and environtment analysis, digital fabrication and BIM (VisualARQ)
Friday, 18 March from 2 pm to 7pm there will be a private workshop for the UARC students.
Satruday, 19th March, from 9.30 am to 6pm the sessions will be open to public:
Mornings session
9:30 – Registration
10:00 – Introduction: Francesco Bedeschi (UARC)
10:15 – Carlos Pérez (McNeel Europe)
10:45 – Luis Fraguada (McNeel Europe)
11:15 – Francesc Salla (VisualARQ – Asuni CAD)
11:45 – Presentations by power users
13:00 – Lunch break
Afternoon session
14:00 – Arturo Tedeschi (
14:30 – Antonello di Nunzio
15:00 – Vittorio Carlotto (University of Padova)
15:30 – Beatrice Barozzi (University of Bolzano)
16:00 – Presentations by power users
17:30 – Closing comments and debate
18:00 – End of the Workshop
The event is free but it is limited to 80 participants. Registration to the event is mandatory. Only registered participants will be able to access the University of Arkansas Rome facility.
Rhino users who are interested in summiting a proposal for a 15 minutes presentation can use the following Registration form.