由 Francesc Salla | 12 月 3, 2018
This tutorial describes the steps for uploading VisualARQ styles in food4Rhino and for downloading and importing them into your document. Uploading a VisualARQ style We will assume there are already some styles created in your document. (Read below the different style...
由 Fran Montero | 5 月 16, 2017
If you want to create custom parametric VisualARQ styles you have to create those from Grasshopper definitions. Here you can find tutorials explaining how to create VisualARQ Grasshopper styles.
由 Francesc Salla | 3 月 3, 2014
When you start working on a new document, you can do it from a Rhino template, or from a VisualARQ template. Rhino templates only include by default one “standard” object style for each VisualARQ object type, and no buildings and levels are created. On the...
由 Enric Marquès | 7 月 28, 2011
When you are working on a document that doesn’t contain any VisualARQ object library, it means that the document was created from a template which was not a VisualARQ template, and the default library of VisualARQ object styles wasn’t loaded. There are two...
由 Enric Marquès | 6 月 15, 2009
If you open a new file and VisualARQ templates don’t appear in the template dialog box, there might be two reasons: Files are not located in the same folder as Rhino templates To make them appear, just copy the VisualARQ template files to the same folder where...