The VisualARQ’s section tool lets you create section lines from which it is possible to enable vertical sections of the model in real-time.
Create a Section line
- Run the _vaSection
command to insert a new section line in the model.
- Specify a section line style from the insert dialog box.
- Specify the first point for the section line.
- Specify the next points of the section line by selecting the desired points on the screen with a left-click. Right-click to end the step.
- Specify the viewer position and the section length by placing the cursor on the side of the line that is opposite to the target and press the left mouse button. The section length will determine the objects that will be included in the section drawing and the view when the section is enabled from the Section Manager.
- Enter the section Reference text by typing it on the command line.
The sections can be enabled and disabled from the Section Manager panel.
Section mark control points
The Section cutting line has five control points:
- Edge control points. Start and end insertion point.
- Section lenght control points.
- Section Jog points. You can add or remove section Jog points with the _vaSectionAddJog and the _vaSectionRemoveJog commands.
- Viewer position control points.
- Section Text reference control points.
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