Ramp ground floor
Since VisualARQ doesn’t have any parametric objects to create ramps, we will use the Slab object to create them. There are multiple ways to create a ramp and the ramp fence. We will explain one of these methods. This chapter is divided into 3 parts:1. Ramp slab
First of all, select and isolate (_Isolate ) the involving objects around the ramp (walls and columns) for a better workflow , and draw a wall (_vaWall
) between the two ramp flights. Place it just in the middle of the two flights, in order that later on they have equal widths.
In order to create leaned slabs, we need to create them from curves that are already leaned.
- Draw a rectangle
for each ramp flight (turn the Ground floor bitmap layer on and use the snap points of the columns to place the rectangles in the right position).
- Select the first rectangle and turn its control points on
- Select the control points of the 2 ending corners and _Move
them up 1.5 m. Press ESC to turn points off (or run _PointsOff).
- _Move
the second and the third rectangles (or surfaces) 1.5m up (in the Z direction).
- Select the third rectangle (or surface) and turn its control points on
- Select the control points of the 2 ending corners up 1.5 m. Press ESC to turn the control points off or use the Points off command (_PointsOff).
- Run the Slab command (_vaSlab,
), select From Curves option in the command line, and select the 3 rectangles created.
Note: if the slabs are not created from these rectangles, it means that they are not planar at all.
2. Ramp slab styles:
The ramp is now created from these 3 slabs. Now we can see how to adjust their thicknesses and properties.
- Run the _vaSlabStyles command to open the Slab styles dialog
- New style: Click on the New… button and select “Slab Style” to create a new regular slab style.
- Add slab layers: do right click on the slab style’s name and select New.. > Slab layer.
- Change slab thickness: click on the arrow next to the new slab style’s name to see the list of layers. Select one of the layers and adjust its thickness from the Geometry tab.
- Change the order of layers: select the layer and just use the Up or Down arrows in the dialog toolbar.
- Attributes: select each layer and define its attributes in projection and in section from the Attributes tab.
- Click OK button or ENTER to accept the changes and close the slab styles dialog.
Now we are ready to select the 3 slabs created before, and from the properties panel, (selecting the slab icon), change the style to the new one cretaed.
3. Ramp walls:
Wall under the ramp
- From the Level Manager, change the Ground floor Cut plane to 1,2m, so it cuts through the ramp from a lower position.
- Run the
_vaWall command, change a proper style and alignment and draw the wall placed between the middle and second ramp flights. You can make assign a proper height or extend it to the slab as we will see now. - Use the control points to shorten the other wall, so it connects nicely with that new wall. (We can also use the vaSplit command to break it at the intersection point, and delete one of the resulting parts.
- Run the _vaWallExtend command
to trim off the upper part of the wall that goes beyond the ramp:
- Select the wall.
- Select “Top” from the Command line as the extension direction.
- Select the slab that performs as the ramp landing as the boundary object the wall will extend to.
Ramp walls
We have already created the wall placed in the middle of the ramp flight. Lets create the other wall of the upper ramp flight and edit them further:- Select and isolate (_Isolate the ramp and walls around it.
- On the Ground floor, create a new wall along left side of the upper ramp (according to the view).
- From the Right viewport, switch the display mode to Wireframe (or Ghosted) draw a _Polyline
that defines the wall fence contour. Use auxiliary lines and the osnap points to create this contour and make sure the “Project” osnap point is on.
- In the Perspective viewport, extrude the contour polyline 0.2m with the _ExtrudeCrv command
. Make sure the “Solid” option from the command line is on.
- Place the resulting polysurface into the middle of the two ramp flights so it intersects with the wall.
- Run the vaSubtractSolids command
to subtract that extrusion/solid from the wall.
- You can add more detail to the ramp fence by making the edges of the solid round. Use the _Fillet command
(a fillet radius of 2mm is fine).
- Repeat the same process to shape the wall of the upper ramp flight.
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