VisualARQ at Geometrias ’17
Geometrias ’17: “Thinking, Drawing, Modelling”
16, 17 and 18 June 2017
Royal College of Arts, department of Architecture, University of Coimbra.
Geometrias ’17 aims at bringing together current researches not only on the didactics of Geometry, but also on Drawing as representation science, stereotomy, tridimensional modelling, parametric logics and digital fabrication. For that reason the current edition has as a leitmotif: “Thinking, Drawing, Modelling”.
A VisualARQ conference will take place during the “special sessions” on June 17th, 9.55am – 10.40am where Francesc Salla will show the Flexible BIM features VisualARQ adds to Rhino, based on the upcoming VisualARQ 2.0 version.